Saturday, July 18, 2009

Another new 'home.'

Check out this welcome! We got to Karen's house today and she had the table set with this gorgeous flower arrangement and candles, no less! Of course I melted over the flowers! These will likely stay beautiful the whole month we are here.

Karen came and got us an brought us to her house first thing this morning. Then we took her to the airport. After the airport run we went into Kona for a dab of shopping and then we came back by another friend's house, who we know from MD Anderson. Bob Duffer has melanoma and he is doing fantastic. Only about 10% of the folks who have his kind of melanoma survive. He's in that 10%! He's doing really well and we are so pleased to report that he looks so strong and vibrant. We had met him at MD Anderson, but never had met his wife, June, until today. We had the pleasure of meeting June, as well as her mother, Elsie, who lives with them.

It was such a great reminder of our great Father's care to see Bob doing so well and to realize that I am doing so well, too. I thank God every day for my life and my health. Today I was reminded to thank Him for Bob's recovery, too. I've prayed for his recovery and I know that thanks is in order. The friend who introduced us has recently fallen and broken her back, so we pray daily for La Moyne's healing, too. God bless her!

We are all settled into this beautiful little cottage. We'll be adjusting over the next day or two, but we've found a place for everything and eaten one meal here, so it's working. It's kind of like being in a little condo, only it's cozier. Karen was so sweet to empty out a closet and some shelves and drawers for us to put our 'stuff.' She's very thoughtful. She made us really feel special to be here, and we are so pleased to have this opportunity. Her little dogs and kitty are very well behaved and very loving, so we're enjoying them, too. I'll get pictures and post them, soon.

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