Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Hapuna Beach

We were on this beach today. I even let Don take a picture of me, but I'm not putting it on here until I can put my 3rd grade picture on with it. (It's at home.) I had my hair in two pony tails to keep it from blowing all over the place and I look like a 3rd grade grammy; too funny. Isn't this beach gorgeous, though? Look at the colors in the water. We are so blessed to be here.

The wind was blowing something fierce today. We couldn't even lay in the sun and read. The sand was blowing in my face so bad I had to close my eyes and there is nothing written on my eyelids to read! We gave up and just walked the beach. That was fine. We had to weigh our things down with a huge lava rock. It reminded me of when we were here and Davey and Susan joined us. We went to this same beach and the Kona winds were blowing so hard we couldn't stay. We kept working at it, but finally gave it up because if felt like we were being sand blasted. It was close to that today, but not so bad.

I got home and had sand even in my ears. I could hardly wait to get into the shower and wash the sand off me. I thank God for great beaches to explore, though. This beach where we were today is often called the best beach in the state and some say the world when travel guides are talking beaches. I thank Him for the opportunity to be 12 miles away from this beach and to get to go there and be able to walk! Two years ago we were scheduled to house-sit at this very house, but I couldn't get it all worked out to do along with chemo, so we had to give it up. I am so grateful to have all that chemo, surgery, radiation and cancer BEHIND me! Woo-hoo! It feels good to feel good!

Tomorrow we are going to the World Botanical Gardens. We own a few shares in that, so we're looking forward to seeing the progress they've made since we were there last. We really like the flowers there and there is a great waterfall. I'll take pictures and post them on the blog tomorrow night. We're going to do some other cruising around on the Hilo side to see things we've never had time to do before this.


  1. Hi Jo and Don! I think I know where you were standing to make this pic at Hapuna Beach. Right in front of the big lava rocks that kind of separate Hapuna from the beach at the big resort hotel! So glad ya'll are having a good time at your second job. Looking forward to the Botanical Garden pics. Love, Linda

  2. oh boy...oh boy, did you really say Botanical Gardens? I cannot wait till tomorrow. Macro...remember macro.
