Monday, January 24, 2011

Back in the little kitchen.

We took several pictures that day, and it's a good thing because we haven't gotten out to get more pictures! We go into the little kitchen to weigh; that's where we keep the scales out of our way. Does anyone besides us take their scales with them when they travel? No kidding, when we were loading the car to leave Big Cedar, some guy walked past and said, "There's another inch of space in there, yet." Then he said, "Don't let my wife see this!" It was good for laughs, but it is also so true that we take so much stuff with us when we go! We'll go home with less, though because we'll have taken all the vitamins we brought with us! (That's a couple of big boxes.)

Today it was over 40 here, so it was like a heat wave. We had an appointment with RCI, which we thought would help us understand their new direction, but it turned out they wanted to sell us something. No way we were buying any more vacation time, so we just enjoyed getting out of the condo for a bit. I'm happy we can agree on vacationing. God is great to give us plenty of time health to enjoy the vacation time that we have, so we give thanks but we don't need to be greedy about it!

If it's warm tomorrow, maybe we can get out and get some new pics. Don't hold your breath, but maybe!

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