Saturday, June 30, 2007

ANOTHER frog/toad; meet Jarvis!

I know some of you think I’m crazy and the others are sure of it. Crazy isn’t all that bad, though. If I weren’t crazy then the reality of flooding and cancer might get me down. I prefer crazy and enjoying it the best I can.

Last night we took a break and went out to play cards with our canasta group. It was a wonderful night. We came home and ‘dipped’ out the basement again before we went to bed, so that we came to a total of 320 gallons we ‘dipped’ yesterday, besides what the sump pump took out without our help. Today has been another big day, but we’re going to escape to play cards, again, tonight. We need the break! I imagine we’ll pump out about as much today as we did yesterday. We got some rain today, but not so much; just enough to keep us going steady on the seeping.

While we were out last night I got this picture of a great sunset even during our stormy weather. We love it!

When we got home there was ANOTHER frog or toad in the basement. I thought it was Jethro, but I checked his markings against Jethro and they are different. I’ll put both pictures on the blog so you can see what you think. Jarvis is the newest one; he’s the one with one leg out like he’s on the move. Now, Ruthie won’t want to come to my basement if she knows Jethro and Jarvis are down there. Likely I will find them and set them out in the yard. There is a wealth of mosquitoes out in the yard for them! Gabe must have gotten his love of creatures from me; this is fun!

God blesses even with varmints. I’m so blessed; I get the toads/frogs instead of the snakes in the basement. God is good!


  1. You are so right, "Little One"...Ruthie won't be crazy about Jethro and Jarvis. However since you are Houston bound it will be a while before i'm there, and the frogs will probably be gone by then! I'm so glad you are enjoying all of God's blessings and not letting the reality of water and cancer get you down! Absolutely a little "crazy" is ok!! I loved the sunset as well as pictures of your "buddies" to remind me to be sure and count blessings along with you; and you CERTAINLY ARE ONE OF THEM!! I love you! Ruthie

  2. Aw, Ruthie, you make me smile. I promise to find Jethro and Jarvis before you come back and put them out in the yard. That basement will be sparkling clean if we can ever get it dry! We just came in from playing cards and we can't believe all the clear blue sky we have! It's beautiful and looks like 'home on the range' as we know it! Of course Will Rogers always said, "If you don't like the weather in Oklahoma, just wait 20 minutes and it'll change." That means we can have rain in nothing flat. We're hoping for a dry spell so the ground will dry and give us a break in the basement. So far, it's still seeping, but we have high hopes.

    Ruthie, do you remember how I used to collect frog eggs at Crawford and bring them home in a jar and keep them until they turned into little frogs? I'd forgotten that until Gabe started doing it and it made my heart beat a little faster. :) These toads are too fun, but they belong outside and I'll put them there if I can ever catch them. Thanks for walking all the way with me on this journey; it feels like when you used to fix my leggins for me at school . . . or whatever I needed a big sister to do; you were always there for me even if I did keep our room a mess and get past my side. I'm glad that Mom never pinched my head off and told God I died and she wouldn't let you do it, either! God blessed us with an awesome mom, didn't He! Love you, Mary Jo

  3. I happen to be a great lover of toads MaryJo....I recently imported 6 of them to my yard from a friends house. You have one toad and one frog in your Yeah..rescue them and give them their freedom outside. Dana

  4. Oh, Dana, I'm in such good company if you love toads, too. Which one is the frog? Is it toads I have in the basement and the 'desert toad' that Gabe caught at the reserve is the frog? Thanks for your info! Love you, Mary Jo

  5. Oh Jo, I wish we lived close together, what fun we could have with our friends Jethro and Jarvis. Now if that sounds like I like frogs, that is what I am talking about so I guess I am a little?crazy too. Yes, I think it is great to be a little crazy, just now all the way. That is what life is all about and God made everything and so he made Jethro and Jarvis!! I am glad you took time off for fun with your friends. The picture of the sunset was awesome. Our daughter carries her camera everywhere she goes and snaps pictures of practically every thing, even our huge turtle at the pond last time she was here. Oh dear I know I am not suppose to send such a long message but I am just bubbling over with you. And you are so right, Keep having fun. God is so good and I feel so blessed to have you and Don and Ruthie and Phil for the best friends we have ever had. Ruthie is right, Frances is a very good sister and christian.
    We Love You
    Dot and Frazier

  6. Oh, Dot, you are such a doll! I wish we lived close, too! I let Jethro go today because we caught him and I wanted him to live. I knew he'd be happy outside, but it was with reluctance that I let him go. There must be a big kid inside me. Wait until you see tonight's blog. It's been some day!

    Love you,


  7. The slimy looking one, second picture is the frog. dana
