Sunday, June 8, 2008

It's always time to give thanks!

The picture on the blog today is the Audubon Clock that Trish and Rob brought to us. We are having so much fun with it! Actually, this is a clock I found on eBay. (I didn't buy this one; I just borrowed the picture.) So, there are some out there, Ann, if you’re still looking.

There are storms north of us, but we are safe, so far, tonight. We’ve been blessed with a good year for us, relative to storms. The wheat around here has been wonderful and the farmers got it out without worry of rain and hail. PTL!

Dorothy is hanging tough. I spent a couple of hours with her while David went home to shower and we both slept! God bless her. This morning she was feeling nauseated, so they gave her phenergan. It was wonderful because it made her go right to sleep and she has slept peacefully all day. Tomorrow I’m going up to help her get her shower and wash her hair so she’ll be all clean and ready for surgery on Tuesday.

Tomorrow I’ll get up early and walk, then go over and get Dorothy ready. Then I’ll spend tomorrow getting us all ready to go to Tennessee on Friday. I want to have as much ready as possible so that I don’t have to worry about it while we’re gone to OKC for Dorothy’s surgery. We’ll have to come home Wednesday; I hope she can come home that day, too. If all goes well, her pain should be greatly relieved after surgery and she’ll only have the surgery healing to do. God is wonderful to give us the opportunity to heal. Aren’t we blessed to have options to fix our problems!

I continue to feel so very good. Someone asked Dorothy, “Does Jo really feel good or is she just putting on a good front?” If you all are thinking that, believe it! I feel great! I don’t go like the Energizer Bunny, but I feel good. I’ll be 60 this August, so I really think I feel good for 60 with back and knee problems and bouncing back from cancer, chemo and radiation. I’m so pleased to be walking an hour every day. God has blessed me abundantly with health and love of many folks. I could ask for no more.

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