Tuesday, December 13, 2011

One leaning Santa.

I don't think he's sick; just tired. Me, too. I've spent all day attempting to deal with a bank, but they only have robots and idiots working for them, so I've struck out, again. I did this one other day and gave up, but made the mistake of attempting it, again, today. This is a bank in California and they told me I just need to come in to talk to them. Sure.

Besides that they called to tell me that my fingerprints were rejected again. I guess it's real important that they get good prints on me in case I kill a kid when I'm teaching or something. I've never killed anyone, yet, but I'd sure like to smash a robot or two. Tomorrow I'm taking a friend to Oklahoma City for a doctor's appointment, so I can go and have my fingerprints done, again. What a rat race! I am thank God that I don't have to work this week and that I do have the skills to do a job if they will ever accept me. You'd think they'd check to see if I have chemo brain, but, no, they just want to be sure I have good fingerprints. This is a crazy world. I do have chemo brain, but I think I can handle teaching; I'll be a comedy act for the kids. They'll get a kick out of it and they'll sneak up on themselves and learn some things. One thing they'll learn is that a real live person cares about them before they get dumped out into the world of automation.

I'm going to see if I can throw enough herbs and vitamins to get me through spring break tonight. I've cut down on a bunch of them, so I think I can get it done. Off I go!

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