Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Irises galore and blessings, too!

Whew! Today was a busy but good day. I got the irises cut, arranged, taken to the church building and brought home after the salad supper was over. Now the house smells great with fresh irises! I would love to have sent them home with people, but they were too big and awkward for them to take.

I did get an hour in the sun, our walk done and my jiggling done today. I didn’t get a thing done around the house, but it won’t crash. I didn’t get the herbs finished. I’ll do that tomorrow.

The pictures in the blog today are the arrangements I made for the ladies’ salad supper tonight. I only did the irises; the screen, trees, bear, etc. was someone else’s doing. I still have lots of buds that will open over the next few days, and there are even several still open in the yard. I went to sleep last night thanking God for all my blessings. I didn’t get anywhere near listing them all, but the irises are on that list. Health and happiness are some more. Loving friends and family are some more. Thank you all for being on my list of blessings!

God bless us all!


  1. Jo, Absolutely Beautiful!!! And you arrange them so perfectly!! Thank you for sharing. I only have a handful in my yard, and some of them are still suffering deformities from my helpful loving husband spraying Roundup to keep the weeds out! What a hoot! Love you both, Linda R.

  2. That Roundup can be a sneaky 'friend.' I love it for keeping out the weeds, but it can sure wreck havock with the good stuff! The helpful, loving husband is the best part of your story; that's where the real blessing is! Thanks be to God, huh! Love you and thanks so much for keeping up with us, Jo
