Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Migraine day.

Today was a tougher day because I woke up with a migraine. I take herbs for migraines, so they aren’t so easy to recognize. I kept denying that it was a migraine until this afternoon when I mixed up all the herbs I was packaging. When I do something really crazy, I have to own up to the migraine. I get so foggy that I don’t really know what I’m doing. The pain is not excruciating, though, so that’s good. The aura just makes me pretty dysfunctional.

I did get chili made since it’s cool here, today. I was out of pinto beans, and I eat those every day, so I got a batch of those made and put into the freezer, too. I did three loads of laundry, changed our sheets and got all my herbs done for the next 26 days. I’m going to finish Don’s up and go to bed.

It was too cool to walk today, besides I was feeling yucky. I did get my jiggling done, though. I didn’t do the kangoojumps; I’ve got to be feeling pretty good to hazard those. Ha. I realize now that being tall has its responsibilities. God knew exactly what He was doing when he made me short; it makes the falls easier when I don’t have so far to go.

God is good and I trust Him; He blesses us all and I thank Him! The picture is from one of the tables at the supper last night. Different ladies from our congregation decorated the tables. They were all beautiful, but I especially liked this one.

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