Thursday, April 12, 2007

They're almost here!!!

This picture is Ruthie and Phil at our high school reunion in Dover last summer.

Today was our last day to wait for Ruthie and Phil to be here. I did a quick spoof up of the house, and then I got all the stuff ready to get out for 2006 Christmas that we missed. Some will go home with Ruthie and Phil for their family and the rest is ready to go into the mail when they leave. I got it all sorted; I just have to get it into the mail. We’ll take the Oglesby stuff tomorrow when we go to OKC. How terrible is it to have Christmas in April? Everyone has been so wonderful to be patient. We’ll leave first thing in the morning. I can hardly wait to have Ruthie and Phil be here!!!

I talked to Ruthie as we sat down to eat supper and they were just approaching Fort Smith, so they are nearly to Oklahoma. They’ll spend the night near there and then we’ll meet in OKC around noon tomorrow. On our way to OKC we’re stopping to see a friend in the hospital, so that’s another thing to make tomorrow special. For a Friday 13th, it has a lot of promise and hope. Every day is a good day. The day your family comes is a spectacular day!

God bless us all!

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