Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Work day around the house.

The picture on the blog tonight is from the canasta game Saturday night. You’ll recognize Don. Then going clockwise is Joan, our dear friend who takes care of my flowers, the house, and the mail when we are gone. Next is David Rule, then with her back to the camera is Dorothy. The guy whose arm is all you see is Jack, who we call Silly because he’s such a clown and he’s married to Tillie, so they became Silly and Tillie. No doubt he had just said something hilarious because everyone is laughing in the picture. Canasta is just an excuse to get us all together and laugh a lot!

Every day is very busy because it takes me so long to do my exercises and then walk and cool down from the walk. If we get anything else done it makes it so busy. That’s okay, but it’s just how it is. I’ve gotten most everything put in it’s place, but there are still some things looking for home. It sure takes a while to settle in again! Today we did some minor repairs around the house and touched up some marks on the walls here and there, so it smells like paint. That’s kind of fun!

Tomorrow I’m going to do some pruning in the garden. We’ll see how that goes.

I am so thankful to God for the energy to do my exercises, walk and even some extra things around the house! It’s great that God is in control! I sure thank Him for our great friends and familly, too!


  1. Hey there! Found a cute saying today:

    Wrinkles are antique smiles.

    How nice is that? I'm gonna remember that one. Kinda makes me appreciate my wrinkles! I was gonna email that to you and then thought some of your blog readers might enjoy it as well.

    We are just about getting blown away here. I think my headaches and other issues may be allergies due to the wind. Hopefully it will rain tomorrow and then the wind will die down and I'll be able to function again.


  2. Trish, I LOVE that! I'm going to get lots of use out of THAT one! Thanks for sharing it on the blog; I'm sure there are others out there who will enjoy using it, too.

    I'm sure glad you didn't blow away; we had to hang on tight, too! The wind was our welcome home; we've felt right at home and glad it wasn't a tornado!

    My irises will love a rain and so will the farmers. If we get rained out of our walk, I'll have to do the machines, so I hope we walk before it rains.

    We can hardly wait to see you all; it'll be soon and it's fun to plan!

    Love you,

