Monday, May 25, 2009

Winding down from a great celebration!

The picture tonight is of Grace and Sadie with their hair all done up in halos. (Notice Raynie in the background playing the piano.) There was a booth at the Arts on the Square that had these halos for sale and for an extra $5 they would put it into your hair. So Trish had Sadie’s and Grace’s done, watching for technique, and she bought one for Raynie and herself. Sadie did Tricia’s when they got home and Trish did Raynie’s. Tricia’s, Grace’s and Sadie’s stayed in until morning and when they got up it had curled their hair really pretty. Raynie pulled hers out first thing and did it again when Trish fixed it again. Raynie is not into hairdos! It was a fun thing and there were lots of girls in Hobart this weekend wearing halos!

Today Don celebrated Memorial Day by helping a work crew at the parsonage next door. Our new preacher will be here in about 10 days and they’re doing new carpet, tile and texturing walls over there. I stayed home and celebrated by doing my own work around here. I’m still working on alterations, too. What a gift! I’m so glad to be able to sew and clean! My knee is healing really well, too. Thank you, God! I thank God everyday for our troops; I really don't have the vocabulary to adequately express how much they mean to us and how much I appreciate them.

I’ll bet I missed a magnolia bloom today! I forgot to even look! Well, I’ll let Hazel, my neighbor across the street enjoy that one if she looked. I usually strip the tree as soon as the blooms open, but I just never looked out there, today; maybe there’ll be one tomorrow that I can bring inside. I had one on the bar all weekend, and the kids really liked the fragrance.

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