Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The celebration has begun.

Ruthie sent this picture a little bit ago, and I can't wait until tomorrow to post it. It's a treasured memory of last year's Fox family reunion in Nashville. I was so glad to be there and to see Jim and Ruthie and everyone else. Jim would have been 69 if he'd lived until his next birthday on August 19th. He looks very much like our dad in this picture.
Time is so short with folks we love. Hug someone today; maybe even smile at a stranger. Everyone needs to know that someone cares. I was so blessed to have a brother and a sister!


  1. Well, I figured you were tucked in bed getting ready for your flight tomorrow, and I find "The celebration has begun". I think I was so blessed to have a brother and sister too!! I'm afraid I didn't let him know I felt that way so I'm making sure I tell you!! You may be my "little sis", but I've learned a lot from you! Thanks!

    Love you!

  2. Thanks so much for calling me tonight and responding so quickly with an email. I've been looking at your blog ever since. Have just scanned the words but looked at all the pictures. How come you and Ruthie look so good and I just looked old and drawn?

    Luv ya

  3. Bless you Jo! I'm so sorry for the loss of your dear brother.
    I only have one sibling, an older brother, he is 4 years older than I and he lives in San Diego, CA. I can't even imagine the sadness. I'm sending warm thoughts to you on this sad day.
    Wendy's Becky

  4. Ruthie, you tell us plenty that you love us, but what really counts is that you SHOW us! I'm so glad that you are feeling better!

    Love you,

    Mary Jo

  5. Sissy, it's so good to hear from you on the blog! Thanks for posting! It was wonderful to talk to you, too; we'll do a better job of keeping up in the future, huh? Thanks for the kind words about Ruthie and I, but the picture tonight proves that mascara is one of my best friends. HA!

    Love you,

    Mary Jo

  6. Thanks so much, Becky. I can't fathom it, either. It's a lot like having breast cancer; you just take one step at a time and keep on going because that's all you can do. I'm looking for all the positives I can and there really are lots even when we think we have hit rock bottom; the truth is that God blesses us so abundantly.

    Thanks so much for keeping up with me and for caring and expressing it. I love you, Girl.

    Wendy's Jo
