Monday, June 8, 2009


This is today’s picture with my first blooms of Echinacea. This clump is about to burst out in bloom, and I may miss it. Maybe it will burst open tomorrow or Wednesday morning before we leave. It’ll be fun to see, but I’m sure I’m going to see lots more beautiful flowers in Hawaii. These are mine, though, and I love them when we are here to enjoy them.
Several of you are worried about Don, as I mentioned his fall and sore hip and shoulder. He’s a tough dude and he’s mending fine. He walked with me today, and while he could feel the soreness in his hip, he managed just fine. Thanks for your concern.

We did his haircut today, trimmed toenails and all that grooming stuff, so we are so nearly ready to go! We’ve eaten most of the food here, so we went to Subway to get a sandwich for supper tonight. I’ve done laundry all day and keep changing my mind about what to take. It really makes no difference; I’ll wear the same 3 or 4 things the whole time we’re there I imagine. I’ve got one more load of laundry to do this evening.

I’ve got to review the airport rules and make sure I know what has to go into plastic bags, etc. I hate these kinds of details. I’ll be glad to be there and be done with rules about travel, etc. I’ve got to make sure our flights are still on schedule, too. I’m asking God to help me sort through these details because this stuff is really hard for me, now that my brain is so ‘curly.’ I need help, but God provides. Just think, I’m alive and strong instead of in a box! I’m so grateful for that and all the great times we are having.

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