Sunday, October 3, 2010

Happy late Birthday, Elise!

Tonight's picture is one I took of Elise when we were at Ethan's ballgame a couple of weeks ago. I think yesterday was her birthday, but I'm way confused about what day it is. We've been on the road and I'm totally confused about what day any day is. I hope Elise is celebrating all this month . . . well, until the 13th when Gina takes over the celebration with her birthday! We couldn't ask for a more precious granddaughter than Elise. She is everything anyone would love and respect; I don't know a more compassionate person! She always amazes me; we sure thank God for her!

We got up at 4:30 to leave this morning. We left at 5:45 (I hunted for my phone for 15 minutes before I realized it was in my back pocket; I hate when I do that stuff!) and drove until 8:45 tonight. I'm not sure about the time zones; I know they've changed. All I know is that we drove all day, from dark to dark. Most of it was great driving because it was cloudy, so not too bright or windy or rainy. We thank God for a safe day of driving. Tomorrow we'll make it to Doris and Jerry's house and then the next day is my appointment at MD Anderson. We expect no issues; just a check up. Off we go! I hope I've got the right day for the appointment! I'd better go check that!!!

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