Saturday, April 2, 2011

Sorry, no picture.

If there was a picture today it would be gruesome. The recovery discs came and I ran them, of course losing everything on my computer, again. So, then it started, but it has shut down probably a dozen times since then. I called the warranty people and they will admit, now, that this computer needs to be repaired and it's not just a software issue. That makes me see red. I've been struggling with this for WEEKS and, now, they, the pros see that it's not working. Ugh! So, I have no pictures. I haven't gotten to do any exercises or treatments today and my pain level is back up, so I'm not in a happy mood. I'm headed to some treatments and I hope a good night's sleep. I hope I can turn this around tomorrow. I thank God for believing there is a reason to keep me, so I'd better shape up and make Him proud. Thanks for reading. I'm so sorry I don't have a picture. There are lots of good things happening, like the day was gorgeous! I just happen to be in over my head in the stuff that's not beautiful. If I get this going, I think I'll be glad because I sure enjoy staying in touch with people, but this aspect of it is certainly a drag.


  1. The people who know you and have spent any time around you already have pictures of you in their minds, and they are good pics not the bad ones you are feeling today. So, don't worry about the picture. Sleep,rest, feel better and have a happier day tomorrow. Sorry you are having these difficulties all at the same time. But, you have already proven to the world that you are tough, so just hang in there it will get better. :)

  2. Thanks, HB. It's not so troubling all the time; it's just that I let it get to me and sometimes slip and spill it all when I write the blog. I'm not aiming to be phony, but I would like to be more positive that I'm always able to be. Sure enough I slept good last night, got up and did my exercies and treatments FIRST and today is much better. There is still the computer junk, though. I'm going to figur out how to get pics onto Don's old computer to use when this one goes to the shop. That's my task today. Thanks for your encouraging spirit!
