Saturday, October 20, 2012

Made it to Ruthie's and Phil's house!

We made it to Ruthie's and Phil's this afternoon; it was a gorgeous drive!  Phil had taken his grandson on a fall color cruise in his hot rod today, so he got it out for Lee and I to see.  We had considered going on the cruise with them and riding in the rumble seat, but I'm sure glad we rethought that notion.  I could get into it all right, but Lee's long legs would never have made it in there.  It was fun to get this picture.

We've been laughing ever since we got here.  Lee and Phil can see so many likenesses that Ruthie and i share.  I know it's good for him to meet more and more of my relatives.  It helps him to understand from whence I came.  He met all my Itazuke 'family' and now lots of my blood family.  Everyone loves him and he feels so at home with everyone.  I thank God for great family and friends.  I thank God for a safe trip and these gorgeous colors, too.  Look at the leaves in the background in this picture!  Wow!  What a blessing!


  1. Oh my goodness! Tell Phil I absolutely love Little Ruthie.

    Luv to all


  2. Sissy, he smiled! He'll be happy to give you a ride! Love you!
