Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Remembered the mascara, but it didn't help; maybe I'll toss it!

I've worn mascara since I was 14, I think.  I thought it was necessary, but I'm not so sure, now!  Maybe I can be more flexible in the future!  I just know that I'm blessed to have vision and health in general.  I'm counting down the months until Medicare will pay to have my cataracts removed (9); then I will be so pleased to see good, again!

Today went fine.  Lee is struggling with a sore throat.  He went to the doctor yesterday and got some meds, but he's not doing much better today.  I guess he has to go through the cycle.  He's not interested in my remedies, so I can only watch.  I just hope I can stay clean!  (I think I can!  I feel fine.)

I have one more day of testing at school and then Friday I'll be subbing for a history teacher/wrestling coach.  He's going to the wrestling tournament and I'll hold down his history and geography classes.  I'm looking forward to it.  I think that surely next week I won't work because they are doing review and 9 weeks testing.  Surely the teachers will want to be there for that.  We'll see!

1 comment:

  1. I'm still laughing at the comment you just had to remove from this post MJ....
