Thursday, May 9, 2013

Absolutely love the irises!

I love, love, love the irises!  I so thank God for letting me have some beautiful ones this year.  Last year there were some beautiful ones, but they were shredded by a hail storm.  This year several out front got frozen in the two late freezes we had, but I got all these from the back yard where they were protected from the freeze by the house.  There are some pretty ones still out front, but not so many as there should be.  The year before last we had precious few irises because of the drought, so it's been 4 years since I had a great crop.  This is enough to make me smile really big!  I came home from school today and it looked like a wedding in the back yard.  I couldn't resist cutting them and they smell so good, too!  I read on Facebook where a guy doesn't like cut flowers because they seem dead to him.  They're going to die in the yard, too!  I just love to enjoy them in the house!  I put 10 drops of bleach into each vase with the water and it makes them last longer.

Lee went to OKC to do a walk through on the house his daughter is building.  He had a good day, but he forgot to take his phone, so he felt undressed all day; thankfully, he didn't have any emergency and need a phone!  Then he came in with a sore throat; yikes!  I sure hope I don't catch it; I'm just now getting over the cough I had from the last bug I got from him last December.  I'm going to be hitting the remedies really hard!

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