Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Raynie in pigtails.

This is sweet little Raynie with her hair all up in pigtails. Someone had to be very patient to get that done; I’ve done it myself, and it’s no easy thing! Trish brightened my day by sending this picture today. Thank God for kids and grandkids! Gretta has a neighbor couple who are about our age and they have no grandkids, so they borrow Elena and Garrett from time to time. What a blessing they are to them and I know the kids are to this couple, too. Life would be so sad without the grandkids, so I’m so happy folks can borrow ours from time to time.

Today was an easy day. I didn’t do anything worth repeating; I even took a nap this afternoon. I’ve got lots to do before going to Vegas in a couple of weeks and I just decided to take a day off instead of doing anything. Oh, there’s laundry and meals, etc., so I haven’t been a total slug, but I did relax.

We plan to leave here on the 7th or 8th of September and won’t leave to come home until October 5th, so I guess we’ll get home around the 7th or 8th of October. We’ll spend the first couple of nights in Laughlin while we adjust to the time change. Then we’ll head into Vegas, where we’ll be staying at our timeshare there. We have a business meeting to attend and my school reunion from Time in Japan. Besides that we’re looking forward to seeing our granddaughter play fast pitch ball. We’re looking forward to lots of time at the pool. Swimming is the best exercise for lymphedema, so I’m going to get busy at that.

I’ve got a swimsuit I need to adjust (add some t-shirt material to protect the skin that was radiated) before we go. I have a couple I’ve rigged, but I’ve got another I’d like to take since we’ll be spending a lot of time at the pool. My swimsuits are a real hoot; picture this: no boobs and t-shirt material added to the right chest and back. It’s no fashion statement; that’s for sure! I really throw some people off when I’m walking, especially. They don’t know whether to gawk at my knee bands or my flat chest. It was worse in Houston because I had those drains hanging, too! They’re used to medical oddballs there, though. I hope they go away giving thanks that they have all their parts and they are in working order. I go away giving thanks that I can walk and I’m alive; if I can encourage anyone to be thankful for what they have or even give them a smile, then I’m pleased.

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