Saturday, August 1, 2009

Happy August!

This picture was the other day when we went to Hilo and found these tide pools. It was a great day and a great find. This was a part of Hilo we'd never had time to explore.

We are so blessed to have the opportunity to be here for a month or two at a time. We can relax and enjoy the visit. We go hard for a day or two and then we relax. I have to do that. My joints are very unhappy with all this activity, but I can only imagine how they would freeze if I gave in and never moved. I imagine it wouldn't be long until I wouldn't be able to move at all. It'll be good to get home and use our Power Plate. It's a full body vibration unit and it sure helps keep the body moving. I thank God for the Power Plate, but also for the opportunity to come here! It's such a wonderful opportunity to be here and get to see so much. We are so in love with the Big Island. We've spend 3 days on Oahu and a week on Kauai on previous trips. We loved Kauai, but we saw all we could see in that week. Oahu is way too busy for our liking, although there are some beautiful spots. We'd like to see Maui sometime; maybe on another trip. If we only come back to the Big Island, we'll be happy with that opportunity.

It rained all night last night and was still raining when we got up. It has been dry for about an hour, now. Maybe we'll get to go out and do some yard saling after all. I wonder if anyone will have any with all the rain. This much rain is uncommon for here, but there was a hurricane south of us and I think we got some extra rain from that.

We went to hear Braddah Smitty last night and he wasn't there! Typical Hawaii sort of deal; everything is 'penciled in.' So we came home and I made hamburgers. We'll catch him next Friday I hope. It was actually nice to have some time to kick back and read on a novel.

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