Sunday, September 27, 2009

Happy Birthday, Erica!

This is our first grand baby and she's 19 today! We are so proud of Erica; she's in her first year at Oklahoma State University, but we treasure the memories of her growing up; I never put on a pair of flip flops without recalling how she called them be-bops, and I always miss her when I yard sale because we've had some great bargain finding days at sales. She always loved to clean and I do my best to get into the 'Erica mode' as I go about the house cleaning; I can never get into the spirit of it like she does, though. I always work on it, though.

Today was a fun day. The town had a town wide church service this morning at the high school baseball stadium. That was exciting for us. Many people stayed to eat hamburgers and hot dogs, but we didn't stay. We're kind of hooked on eating in a chair, at a table, and with real dishes and forks. We can picnic, but we do that best at a beach and in hiking clothes. So, we stopped and had lunch at the Mexican Restaurant on the way home. This afternoon I went to the nursing home for our devotional there, so the afternoon was pretty full. I had a little lull time between and cleaned out some drawers in my bedroom. Why is that job never complete?

I didn't walk today. There was just not enough time to do it and clean up afterwards, so I skipped it. I'll get back into the swing of things tomorrow.

Our Wednesday night class teacher is a guy who is one of the owners of Premium Beef, a local company who raises and produced pure beef. I'm so glad he is doing this because I need pure beef! We all need pure beef, but it's not available to most people. I feel so blessed to have this available and they are even going to deliver some to us Tuesday! That cuts out my day for me on Tuesday; I'll be making hamburger patties; mixing them with chia seeds and patting them out to freeze. Yeehaw! I'm so excited and thank God for this company and the families who run it. (check out

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