Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Please pray for Floyd Johnston.

This is my most recent bubble bath: tonight! This interval walking we're doing (walk 4 minutes, then jog 30 seconds) is wrecking havoc with my knees and all the rest of me, too. I'm getting it done, but my body begged for a soak tonight. It's so dumb; we have this whirlpool bath and I only use it about 3 or 4 times a year! How stupid is that? It just seems like there is never time for such a luxury, but tonight I went the whole nine yards, candles, bubbles and shampoo. I'm clean to the bone.

I just got out of the tub when our good friend, Joan, called. Joan is the one who checks mail for us when we're gone and takes care of my flower beds, etc. Her brother, Floyd, and she play cards with us and Floyd helped us do most of the remodeling we did on this house when we moved into it. He was a fine carpenter and is a good friend, but he's had problems with macular degeneration, open heart surgery and bladder cancer over the last 10 years. Anyway, today he went on a trip with his Sunday school class and stopped at a restaurant in Lawton to eat and fell and broke his hip. I think he'll be 83 in November, so this will not be easy for him. He's in Comanche County Hospital in Lawton tonight and a surgeon will see him first thing in the morning. We'll go with Joan to Lawton in the morning. Please pray for a speedy recovery for him if it's God's will.

I'm so scared of falls and here I am jogging. I don't know if this is so smart or not. I'll give it a few more days, but it looks like we're taking tomorrow off from walking. We'll do a lot of walking around the hospital, but I'll take the day off from jogging! I sure thank God that I'm able to walk and jog! I thought tonight as I took that bath how much easier it is to get in and out of the tub than it has been in the past when I was weak from chemo. It's so wonderful to be able to get wet all over and soapy! I think back to the time when I was having radiation and I couldn't wash my chest. I had to just rinse it off and preserve all the markings they made on me that made my chest look like a landing strip. I am so grateful for the recovery and the bath!

Thank you for your prayers for Floyd. I'll keep you updated on his progress.

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