Friday, December 4, 2009


This picture was taken on Thanksgiving day. After our big dinner we played Hand and Foot Canasta. You can see Floyd and me; Sadie and Nate are in the very front. We played cards out at Dorothy and David's house tonight. It's so wonderful that Floyd can get around really good and doesn't even use his walker or a cane, anymore! He still has physical therapy a couple or three times a week, but he's doing so well!

I talked to Ruthie a few minutes ago and she hasn't had pain medication since Monday. I think she still has a lot of pain, but she's able to get by without the medication, so that's really good. She's in line, now, for her turn to get the next surgery so she can get the rest of the job done. I'm so glad she's doing better too. It's so wonderful that God made our bodies to heal from even heavy duty injuries and ailments! Praise Him!

I spent today making alterations to clothes I want to take to Hawaii. Everything is too long for me, so I'm always making alterations. We're getting closer and closer to ready to go. Mentally, we're ready; we're mostly waiting for the right day to get here.

Tomorrow we have a fellowship breakfast at church. We'll go early and I'll make the gravy. It's a real enjoyable time and I'm glad we can make one more before we go. I'm headed to bed. Have a great weekend!

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