Saturday, December 19, 2009

Hiking crazy!

This is a picture Don took of me today on some adventure. There is a place along the road, near here, that has a sign that says, "Scenic View." We asked Harry what that was, because you can't see anything from the road. He said there were some steam caves back in there. So, we parked the car and took off down a 'trail' in search of the steam caves. It was tough going! It was so overgrown you couldn't see the trail. What trails we did see looked like wild boar trails. We could feel the steam coming out of piles of lava very often. We finally did find a little cave with lots of steam; it was like God's sauna. It's warm enough here, that we didn't want to be sitting in a sauna for long! It would have been nice if finding it and finding our way out weren't so rough. So, we gave up on the steam caves and were happy to find our way back to the car!

Then we went to another place where Harry's son had told us there was a 2 mile hike to a beach. Well, we made that, but it was pretty tough going, too. It wasn't all overgrown, but it was very muddy in places and very overgrown in others. Once Don slipped down, but he said he only hurt his pride. Whew! The picture is me climbing around to avoid the 'road,' which was past muddy and covered in water. So, two miles in and two miles out in addition to climbing around hunting the steam caves gave us a bunch of exercise today!

That wasn't enough, we decided to go view the volcano's lava spilling into the ocean tonight. It's wonderful to be so close that it's not an all day adventure to go to the volcano! We're about 7 miles from where you park to hike in to view the lava. Actually, you can't see the lava; you just see the steam and the glow of the lava reflecting on the steam. We did get to see what looked like fireworks a couple of times. It's so far away that you really can't tell what is happening. It's funny to hear the crowd and all their ideas of what's happening. That was another tough hike. We must be crazy! My knees are so ready for a shower and to go to bed! But, we loved every minute of it and thank God that we're able to do this hiking and that we have the opportunity to be here!


  1. This is an outstanding picture Don took of you...kinda looks like you are caught in a spider's web. You sound like you had a fantastic day. I know there are more pictures of is just not enough you know. I'm so jealous for each one of your adventures.

  2. There are a few more, but not many because I carry the camera. I give it to him and then go jump into some position and he snaps the picture and gives it back. For this one, I tossed him the camera and said, "just get me in this tangle." I like these kinds of pictures much better, but it's not his comfort zone at all, so we take whate we get and call it good. We were mostly struggling like this picture, so there wasn't much opportunity for picture taking. If I stopped to take a picture he got out of sight and then I didn't know the way, so I was hustling instead of snapping. I needed Steve and Mary to help slow the pace! (They get lots of wonderful pictures!)

    Sure wish you were here, but glad you can join us through the pictures.


