Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year's Eve!

This picture is the BIG SPLASH at Mackenzie State Park. We could sit and watch these waves come in and hit the cliffs all day. It's so breathtaking. Mackenzie State Park is only about 5 miles from here, so those same waves are hitting the coastline here, close to this house. We can hear them crashing when we go to bed at night and all the rest of the time, too. It's just that there are a few competing sounds through the day, but when we go to bed it's so neat to hear that sound. We thank God for this opportunity.

Today Don is totally engrossed in football. It's a good day for him as OU won. It's a good day for me because I can ignore the sounds of football and hear the ocean! A neighbor was taking down a huge tree this morning, so I got a hoot out of watching that. I'm like a kid finding a fire engine over most anything. I'm really easy to entertain, so when ocean waves come on the stage I'm in a trance, loving every moment of it.

Next week we'll go to Bob's house and on the way we'll watch for whales. I really can hardly wait for that! We haven't seen a whale, yet, so this is exciting for us. Plus, we're eager to see Bob and Mimi; we haven't seen them since August and they've married since then, so that's exciting!

Tonight we will celebrate by going to bed early. Fuddy duds do that, but we'll be enjoying the ocean tomorrow and be wide awake for it! Woo Hoo! (Actually, it will probably be football all day, again. Ha.) Whatever you do, be safe, enjoy and have a wonderful 2010!

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