Monday, December 7, 2009

A wonderful day!

This picture is one I took the day we went to the Reserve; the day after Thanksgiving. Isn't it interesting that Grace and Mason (6 and 9) were scampering up the mountain with no fear. The rest of us went after them to protect them and to not miss anything! What fun memories!

Today has been quite a day. It's been a hassle getting last minute pills ready. You know, what do we do with the ones that have to be taken BETWEEN meals on an empty stomach . . . as we travel! It gets complicated, but I think I have all of them sorted. Whew! Then there are the ones we take as soon as we get up; then the ones before bedtime. I had all the ones we take at meals done, but the last minute ones were freaky, but we got them done today.

Right as we were finishing up those pills the timeshare folks called and they have a week for us in Maui! Woo Hoo! I'm so relieved because it's for the 1st week we're there. At least we have that place to stay while we keep an eye out for another place for the second week; maybe we'll get something for the other week before that time comes. It's a relief to know we have a place. Whew!

Then this evening Don's cousin, Ray, and her husband, Allen, called us. They live in San Diego and we don't see them often, but it was so good to hear from them and catch up! We thank God for family connections. It was a great way to top off today!

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