Tuesday, February 22, 2011


So, this is the new puzzle. I'm wading through it, and I have to admit I love doing puzzles, even if I have to do them by myself. I've got all the edges completed and I'm working on the middle, which is harder. It's a challenge and I love it; I'm hoping that this is good for my brain. I've read that jigsaw puzzles are good for brain development and I sure need all the help I can get! All I know is that it feels good when I get it worked.

It's been cooler here the last couple of days, but it's sunshiny and beautiful. God is giving us such a broad spectrum of seasons, so we're enjoying this, too.


  1. I have no idea how you can look like you are 16 years old in this picture. Do you have some fancy filters on your camera lens? I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one that thinks that when they see this picture.

  2. Ah, Dana, you make my day. You know I don't put the ones on here that exacerbate the wrinkles! Ha!

  3. I agree with Dana! Hey good lookin!

    Wendy's Becky

  4. Wendy's Becky, thanks so much! You inspire me!

    Love you,

    Wendy's Jo
