Sunday, May 22, 2011


Tonight's picture is Don, relaxing, at home today. This is after we were up all night with a blocked catheter. We went to the ER this morning and they irrigated it and sent him home to keep it until tomorrow. We go back tomorrow to have it removed. I thank God for a good bed to sleep in tonight since we didn't get much sleep last night. I thank Him that we don't have tornadoes to run us to the basement. I'm so ready for bed! By the way, he doesn't have a bruised eye; I just messed that up with the red eye fix and can't get it to undo. Ugh! His eyes are great!

This going to the doctor is a bum deal. We like being healthy, so we thank God that we don't have much of this kind of challenge. Thanks for your prayers and concern. I'll keep you posted.

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