Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Love these brothers!

This is Lee's brother, Dan, in the front, and Lee is in the background.  Dan came here last week and he was working on Lee's computer and Lee was in the background doing some other work.  They are such a wonderful pair.  I love being in the same family with them.  Their Dad died when Lee was 7 and Dan was 4.  They had an older brother, Joe, who was 14.  Their mom raised the 3 of them and never remarried.  Dan and Lee came up so close and have remained so; their older brother died when he was 53.  Lee and Dan looked after their mom until she died a few years ago.  I just love how they both light up when they are together.  They share a bond that I love to witness.  God blesses me with these guys in my life.

I had trouble finding a comfortable position to sleep last night.  I had hobbled around all day with the plantar fasciitis until I had my whole body thrown out of whack and I hurt all over.  I finally packed some leg warmers with some ice that would stay on my foot and got to sleep.  I kept that ice on there all night.  It must be the magic thing because today my heel has hardly hurt.  I get tiny twinges that serve as reminders, but the pain has gone from a 10 to a 1.  Praise God!  Thanks to all of you who offered advice and stressed the ice!  I'll continue the exercises and ice to keep PF from ever returning if at all possible!!!

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