Saturday, August 3, 2013

Big Trip.

Here is the last picture that I got at the card game Thursday night. You can see Lee, with his clean shaved face (I love it!), then Joan (who takes care of our house and mail when we're gone) and Bob Clark, who I've known since I was 13 and living in Japan.  These are some special people in my life.  In fact everyone at this game were really special people in my life.  How blessed am I?  

Then today my friend, Bob Dwyer, who I've also known since he and I went to school with Bob Clark in Japan, called me from Hawaii.  He's the guy we house sit for whenever we can in Hawaii. He had met another friend in his town who needed a house sitter for 4 MONTHS and he wondered if we were interested.  Holy cow! Were we interested?  We were all over it like white on rice.  I called and talked to them and Lee and I started to get excited and began to figure out if we could do it.  

I kept running into brick walls, though.  The final brick wall was I'd have to postpone my cataract surgery until April of next year.  I just can't stand to look through this saran wrap for 9 more months.  Not even for 4 months in Hawaii!  So that's the big trip in the title.  I took it all around the house today, doing my best to figure out how to make this happen.  I was willing to cancel a lot of plans, and we were re-arranging a quick trip to Tennessee to see Lee's aunt, but I just couldn't make the cataract thing happen and I refuse to wait another 9 months.  I had my tongue hanging out over all the hustle to make it happen; probably also over the greed of wanting to go spend another 4 months in Hawaii, too.  But, it wouldn't work.  I thank God for giving us the opportunity to dream of it and for connecting us to people who can help us to dream like this.  He'll provide a way and a time that it will work if it's in His plan.  I really know that He wants me to see, though.  I'm so done with not driving at night and missing half of what's out there in the day time!

My heart is beating from all the dreaming, but it's time to put me to bed.  God took me on a fun trip right here in the house today. Tomorrow is my birthday and I thought for a bit my birthday present would be a 4 month trip to Hawaii, but it turns out that my birthday present is to SEE.  I go this Tuesday for my evaluation and to schedule the surgery in October.  I am grateful; Dorothy has no hope of seeing better, but it can happen for me and it will this October!  (I thank God that Lee understands and agrees completely with me.  He enjoyed the wild ride with me, today, but we came to the same conclusion.)


  1. don't know what happened but this is my second time to post on this. First, Happy Birthday! and second, please consider coming to Houston for your eye surgery. I know excellent eye doctors that could fit you in right away. Please consider!
    Love you!

  2. Is this you, Judy? Thanks for the birthday wish and for the eye doctor suggestion, too. I'm really happy to have my eyes fixed here. I totally trust the doctor in Lawton and Lee's stepson also does cataract repair in OKC, so we have lots of good options close to home. I'm so ready to get them DONE!

  3. But I was just hoping you could get it done early and make the 4 month house sitting in Hawaii! Yes, it's me.

    1. Yes, but they still wouldn't want me to travel more than 3 hours away for 6 weeks. I couldn't even come home! It's just better to have it done here. There will be other chances to go to Hawaii and I've been blessed to go a lot. I need not be a greedy gut! :) Love you, Judy!
