Thursday, August 15, 2013

Okay, Let's Do This!

I got up this morning and got ready to go to school.  I checked my email and there was 'God's Daily Message for me.'  It hit me right in the face!  " . . .  whatever situation you find yourself in, ask, “Who has it worse than I?”  Then pray for that person(s) and even consider how you might help their situation or lend some encouragement.  It’ll make your plight seem much more bearable." It was so perfect!  The teacher who couldn't be in school today was with her husband, who was having surgery.  They do kidney dialysis on him at home; I don't know what his surgery was, but I know it was a big deal.  I'm sure their situation was much more serious than mine.  I was concerned with packing; they're concerned with survival.  It helped me to be happy to head off to school and it was a wonderful day! The teacher had left a great sheet of expectations for me to go over with the kids, as well as an information sheet for them to complete.  It made my work easy today to encourage the kids to help themselves to helping this teacher make it through a tough year and in the process it would help their problems to be smaller.  We talked about how everyone has problems and music can be a good release or relaxer.  I made it through the day, but I'm worn out!  I believe it's a good thing I'm subbing and not teaching full time.  God knows what we need and what we can do and He guides us.  We are so blessed!

Tomorrow is get the truck loaded day.  I think we can make it just fine.  Joan is all set to take care of the house with the help of Bill and Olya, next door (and their vicious beast) and Hazel across the street.  It will be in the best of hands. This back is ready to take a night of rest!

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