Monday, July 23, 2007

Don and I walked today and spent some time sitting in the sun, so that was good for us. We haven’t had a chance to do either in a while, so it was refreshing.

I talked to a couple of people today about getting my port done this week. There is a chance it can be done on Thursday, and I am so excited if that can really happen! The port is a thing they install in my chest to use for the IV chemo treatments. That will be so much better than using my arm for a pincushion until they can get a vein that will work. Normally it takes a couple of weeks to get scheduled for a port, so if I can get one Thursday, that will be in time for Friday’s treatment and I will be so thrilled! If you want to read more about it go to:

I am not feeling anything more than tired right now, so I’m very pleased to report that! Let’s keep praying that my body will remain strong with these treatments!

I’ve pictured all the other kids on the blog, but I only speak of Mason. He is always on the move, so it’s sometimes hard to catch him still for the camera. Often he is a blur in our pictures. Also, he is fearless, so often he has a big cut on his face or something, so that’s another reason it’s hard to get a good picture of him. He has good looks to spare, though, so his scars will give him character and keep him from being too pretty. I went back and found some, though, so you can see the sweetheart that he is and have face to go with his name.
We thank God for Mason and all our family and friends. Each one is special and we can’t imagine life without any one of our kids or grandkids. It amazes me the capacity God gives us for love; I believe love is what He most expects and wants from us: love of God and love of our fellow man, not just family. Thank you for your love!


  1. It's me again! Good Morning, Jo and Don, Do ya'll drive from Doris' home to MD Anderson each day? My cousin, Trey Harris, is hospitalized at MD Anderson as of noon yesterday when I talked to his mother. She said he is not doing well at all. I hope you get to walk again today and it energizes you both. Is Don still 'word-teasing' you or is he throwing those one-liners at Doris? I am so sorry you are sick and keep you and Don in all my prayers. Love you both, Linda R.

  2. Good Beautiful Morning Jo and Don,
    Now I am wondering, do you ever rest?? How you keep up with the pictures and Updates is a mystery to me. But it is just great the expectancy of reading them and the pictures. Now I am happy to see Mason up close!! He is a doll!! As you said once you can tell he is from the same family. Yes Rainey sure does look like baby Grace and a Doll too. Don't tell Mason I said he is a Doll, he is a handsome boy!! Ruthie came yesterday and brought us a basket of goodies and visited with us awhile and we loved it. They are so sweet! We Love Them so much. Keep the faith and I know you will! We are sending up Prayers daily for you and more than just one! I sure hope you get the port in and won't have to be stuck time and again! We Love You and keep you in our prayers constantly!!Really that is possible to pray constantly or be in a prayerful mood as my Mom always said. Dot and Frazier

  3. Hi, Linda; yes, we drive to MD Anderson when we have to go, but we don't have appointments every day. I have chemo only once a week. This week we have to go in on Wednesday for chemo school and an echocardiogram. We're hoping that we'll have to go in on Thursday for a port, but that isn't scheduled, yet. So, there is some driving, but at home we live in the country, so we're used to driving an hour or so to have anything very serious done. Of course that is country driving, and this traffic thing is a new trip for us, but Don's Tours handles it beautifully! Yes, he will always 'word-tease' me AND whoever else is here; if he stops, then I'll be so bored and WORRIED!

    I'm so sorry that Trey is not doing well. I keep him in my prayers and have to trust him to God's care as I do myself.

    I am not feeling sick. I feel just like I did when we were in Hawaii; get tired, but that's all. I know I have a serious health issue, but we are attacking that with all the big guns we can muster and we trust God to work it to the best for His plan and we're good with that. Thanks so much for your love and prayers!!! Love you, Jo

  4. Dear Dot and Frazier, sure I really do get lots of rest. I'm so fortunate to have a wonderful place to stay where I really don't have any responsibilities, so I rest whenever I feel like it. That's really a fun thing!

    I'm so glad you enjoy the pictures of our grandkids. Of course they are so special to us and going through the even when we aren't with them. I hate to bore everyone with pictures of the grandkids, but that is where my heart is and it's what is going on with me these days.

    I haven't got the port scheduled, yet, but we're working on it. I can be a pincushion another time if I have to be it. My mom used to always tell me when I had something tough to face that they might kill me, but they wouldn't eat me. I really don't even believe they'll kill me. Maybe I'll have Don take a picture of me wincing as they stick me; that'll be good for the blog. It's the worst thing I endure, so far and I don't need to be a baby about it. I'll keep pushing to get that port, but I'll be fine until I get it. Thanks so much for your support! I know I need those prayers and your love! Love you, Jo
