Sunday, July 22, 2007

Some things never change . . .

Today I’ve been going through pictures and couldn’t believe how much little Raynie looks like Grace! I EXPECTED her to look like Grace, but I didn’t think she did so much until I went back and looked at these pictures. Mason was such a fat little guy that I keep thinking of him when I see Raynie and her little fat cheeks. But, when I look at these pictures I think I might be blind! There’s no doubt she’s one of the family; that’s for sure!

We miss them all so much. This is such a special time, and we sure hate to be missing it.

The pictures on the blog today are for you to compare the sisters. Grace is in the red white and blue outfit and the others are Raynie. See if you don’t see the likeness. Of course Don never changes!

I’m still feeling fine. I have no nausea and am eating with no sore mouth or anything. I still have all my hair! Ha! I guess I expect all the symptoms to hit me at once, but I’m feeling nothing different so far.

It’s wonderful to be with Doris and Jerry. God is good to put us in families, isn’t He? Then on top of that blessing He gives us friends! Wow! God is Great! To Him be the glory!


  1. Hi Jo & Don! I just caught myself up on the blog because I have been in FLA with Tom's son and family since last Wednesday and got home late Sunday night. I had to read all the blog that I missed. I am glad your treatments have started. I don't know how those who don't know God get through a day. Thanks be to God that we know him and trust him, and allow his will to be done. Your wonderful attitude helps me so much in all areas of my life. Tom and I will be checking your blog daily and praying hard for you and Don. Love you both lots, Linda

  2. Such a beautiful baby! Trish is a wonderful mom. Glad you are feeling well so far! Give our love to Doris and Jerry. We are thankful that they are there for you. You're both always in our thoughts and prayers. Love you.
    B & Z

  3. Hi, Linda and Tom; welcome home! I know you had a wonderful time in Florida! It'll be good to know that you and Tom are keeping an eye on us every day. I thought you were already and didn't realize you were gone, so I didn't miss you. I just thought the cat had your tongue for a while. Keep these notes coming; I thrive on them and the knowing that you are in this with me! Love you, Jo

  4. B&Z, what would we do without family and frieds??? It's such a blessing to have a place to be so at home when we are really so far away from home. We have wonderful family and friends here to take care of us and more friends at home to take care of the house and even pump out the basement if necessary! I'm convinced that God puts the people we need in our lives when we need them. Thanks to you for your love and thoughts and prayers, too. I'm so glad we don't have to go through this all by ourselves. All the support we're getting sure does help.

    We miss the kids so much! Thankfully, Trish is very capable and handles it all, but we sure wish we could be there to share this time and help her some. How blessed are we to even have these new great nephews here to give us some baby fixes! Gregg and Brett have started awesome families.

    Love you, Jo
