Sunday, November 23, 2008

In Lexington!

We are at Gretta's and gone to McDonald's for a quick WIFI session to collect emails and make a quick post. I downloaded the pictures from the camera and will edit them and have more for the blog later. This one is one I took of Garrett while we waited for the WIFI to connect. Garrett will be 12 in a couple of weeks. He knows more about this stuff than I do; he's a very patient helper!
I just wanted to check in quickly in case anyone looks. We're doing just fine, although it's freezing cold here, too. I think I'm a snowbird and need to go south! We'll head to Ruthie's the day after Christmas and that's a little bit south.
The Oklahoma win against Texas Tech last night was too cool! Elena LOVES football and we loved it when we could win so well! She was quite the entertainer. I'll have pictures of her on the blog soon. She's such a dolly with a bob haircut!
I sure thank God for this trip and the family and friends to get to visit and love. We know that we are so richly blessed. (Sorry about the paragraphs running together; the blog isn't cooperating with me and it's hard to do it here in McDonald's! It just has to be how it is.)


  1. seOK - I know you meant that you will head to Aunt Ruthie's the day after THANKSGIVING, not CHRISTMAS - right? It's OK to go to McDonalds for the wifi, but eating the food will scramble your brain!


  2. Hello Jo and Tricia, Ha I sure had a laugh and was so puzzled when I read they would be her after Christmas!! Thank you for correcting it. Maybe they did eat McDonalds after all. ha I enjoy Your updates so much I just have to tell you so now and then. All of us are looking forward to you all being with us during the week-end. Just enjoy each stop and I know you do and be very careful.
    We Love You All
    Dot Frazier and Janie

  3. Ha! Trish, you give McDonald's the credit for scrambling my brain? I'm glad you figured it out that I meant THANKSGIVING! I didn't even notice that until I just checked over this. I was really having trouble, so it's a wonder I got anything at all posted!

    We're having the best time and miss you all! Raynie and Elena would have so much fun, I think.



  4. Oh, Dot, Frazier and Janie, I'm so glad you figured out what I meant when I said Christmas. DUH! Ruthie probably went into a spin for a minute, thinking I had told her the wrong time. She's pretty sharp, so I'm sure it was only a second. She may be as rattled as me and didn't even notice it! I'm glad you got a chuckle out of me, and aren't I lucky to have Trish to set me straight?

    Thanks for looking in on our happenings. We're so looking forward to seeing everyone. This is such a fun trip after taking a couple of years off for cancer battles.

    Love you,

