Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I 'fixed' the phony fireplace.

This is a picture Don took today when I was putting wood into our phony, electric fireplace. I asked him if he wanted to go to the woods with me to collect wood for the fireplace and he said, "No, I’m not going to be any part of this." It’s cold here and it’s perfect for a fireplace. We have a fireplace, but it’s so phony looking. It’s kind of okay, but all around the edges I could see light and that was a dead give away that it was so fake. When Bill and Olya were here they suggested that a few pieces of wood to cover the light would do the trick. Well, I was sure up for THAT! So off I went wearing my Crocks and a Wal-Mart sack to collect wood. Yep, that’s me: a real lumberjack! Ha! The fireplace looks better and I’m content. I’d like to be here when someone notices it; that’ll probably NEVER happen.

Today we had breakfast and then went over to the fitness center to walk. I walked the whole hour and then we played Ping-Pong (My spell checker says it’s supposed to be spelled like that.). I led the whole game and then we tied at 19 and Don beat me! That rascal! It was a wonder I could even play after walking for an hour on the treadmill. It was fun. We love Ping-Pong, but he always beats me. (That hair you see in the picture is what it looks like after swimming last night and then sweating it way wet again this morning; I am constantly amazed at the ringlets. I've only rolled it twice [for church; I didn't want to throw them into complete shock] since we've been here; it doesn't last long. The humidity takes over and it goes 'boing!' If the humidity doesn't get it then swimming and sweating will!)

Today was laundry day, so we’re all ready for Linda and Tom to get here tomorrow. I’ve talked to them and they’re on their way. They’ve stopped for the night and will drive the rest of the way tomorrow. We’ll expect them soon after lunch. My nose is already glued to the window watching for them!

I thank God for precious friends and family. I thank Him for the Rose’s safe travel, too.


  1. MaryJo....Yes I got a little behind in here..sorry about that. All the Christmas activities and everything, not a good excuse but the only one i have. I'am amazed at your hair. I know we all pushed you into "letting it grow"...but I love it to death. Do you have any idea how cute you look? I have a feeling Don tells you every day. dana

  2. Dana! It's so good to have you back. Not to worry; I know it's been a busy time for everyone. Busy is good.

    Yes, I need you to keep pushing me. This hair on my neck and face is driving me batty, but I'm hanging in there. I'm still amazed at the curl.

    I'm glad you like it, and, no, 'cute' isn't how I would describe it. Bizarre is more like what I feel. I just need to get used to it. Length is one thing; curl is another. It's a lot to fathom! When I was first reading your note I thought you were going to say, 'I know we pushed you to let it grow, but you need to cut it, Girl.' I have no confidence in it, so you keep pushing.

    Love you and thanks so much for coming back,

    Mary Jo
