Wednesday, July 17, 2013

A closer look . . .

You're going to think this is a blog about great blue herons; well, it is for a while, I guess.  I'm so enthralled with these birds and so thankful to God for the opportunity to enjoy them so much.  Yesterday, it was rainy and we couldn't walk, but I drove in the car to check on them and caught these great pictures of one of the adults out fishing.  The male and female are much the same, so there is no way to know if this is the mother or father.  All I know is that it's the same bird because I was following it closely.  I really feel so blessed to get to get these pictures.  I almost feel like these birds are my pets!

Our vacation Bible school is going great.  I'm sure the adults are learning the most from this week, but I know the kids are learning a lot, too.  They're studying about the fruits of the spirit and it's so much fun to be studying such positive characteristics.  We have a great bunch of young people at church and they are learning so much.  Anyone who was in the 7th grade or higher last year has been helping with VBS instead of in a class.  They are doing FANTASTIC, too.  I am learning the most, just getting to observe it all; what a blessing this week has been!


  1. Love the heron pictures MJ....keep taking them.

  2. Glad you're enjoying them, too! I'm having so much fun! I have lots more pix; let me know if you want me to send more to your email.

  3. I will say that the comment you just deleted from here (spammer) was one of the strangest I have seen. Sent from "bladder control " website. You know I secretly enjoy those

  4. Some of those the site automatically deletes because they are so obviously spam. They come to us in the mail, but I never have to delete them. Some few slip through, though. I'm glad you get a kick out of them. :)
