Thursday, March 15, 2007

Thursday March 15 Update

Today I slept until 9:30 because Don let me. I was so exhausted from yesterday. Today was some better. I found the camera and the cord, but I forgot to take pictures today. How about tomorrow I'll take pictures of my jonquils and my Japanese magnolia; they look great! Maybe Don will take the picture with me in it; he will if I ask him. Oops; it's supposed to rain tomorrow, but this is southwestern Oklahoma, so the rain probably won't happen.
Today we walked and that was good. The weather was beautiful. We waded through lots of mail. Our great friend, Joan, forwarded mail to us while we were in Hawaii, but she had to stop Feb. 14 since it wouldn't get there before we left if she mailed it after that. So, we still had a month of 1st class mail to wade through, plus all the junk that came and she couldn't forward. Some junk is good, maybe? Also, there were packages that came and we didn't want her to forward because we couldn't haul them around with us. We got the table uncovered enough to eat. :) There is still lots more. Ugh.
I got to wear my kangoo boots around the house; I haven't worn them out of the house, yet (don't have time to explain to everyone what they are!) I gave Don a haircut and then got the kitchen floor swept and mopped. I'm cleaning by necessity, and a haircut makes the kitchen floor a necessity!
Tomorrow we are playing hand and foot canasta with some of the old canasta group; some are busy and can't come, but we're looking forward to an old habit. I've got to be sure and get some rest tomorrow so I can make it through the night. It will work; I just have to balance my work so that I don't get too tired. I used to think I could just go until I crashed; I've got to rethink that and do a better job with balance. (It's not good to go until you crash! Crashing is dangerous, so take note!)
All is good. I thank God for direction, healing, and for all of you who care. I love you.

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