Friday, January 30, 2009

Crazy woman in bubbles.

This picture is for the sake of honesty. My hair only looks worse than this when I get up in the morning. I really don’t go out in public with it looking quite this bad. I just took a whirlpool bath last night and got overrun with bubbles and it reminded me of the old days when I posted bubble bath pictures. I can’t even remember why I did that, but here we are again. I had lots of bubbles, so I called for the camera man! They must have really soft water here because I only used two blops of body wash to take a bath and then the whirlpool created this many bubbles! My hair is way longer than this; I have the back pinned up and the sides pinned back; it drives me crazy on my neck and face. Trust me, I don’t go out like this. I’m only using it tonight because I had computer troubles today and backed everything up onto the external hard drive. I’m using this and then ditching it.

I don’t know what’s happening with this lap top. Suddenly Picassa said it needed to be reinstalled. HUH? And me on dial up? That’ll take all night. Here we go, but I’ll get it done one way or another. I thought I’d better get the blog done before the whole thing crashes on me.

The ice and snow are melting a lot here. The roads look really good. The trees are naked, again, but there is still a lot of snow and ice around everywhere else. We rode the shuttle to the fitness center today and did our workout. Otherwise, we’re still staying close to ‘home.’ This time a year ago I was asleep in the hospital after surgery! Wow; what a year, but thank you, God!

Oh! Guess what! The vet that works at the barn with Joe had a generator in case he needed it for the animals and he didn’t need it, so Joe and Gretta are getting to use it! Praise God! I thank Him for this blessing!

OOPS! My show (Friday Night Lights; for some reason I like it.) is on. I’d better get with the program!


  1. I swear look like you are 16 years old. dana

  2. Yeah! Just keep saying that; I'll pay you later.

    Love you,

    Mary Jo
