Sunday, April 12, 2009

Post for Saturday night, April 11, 09

The picture on the blog is me, at tonight's card game. David is on my right and Kristy is on my left; Kristy is Jo Ann and Frank's daughter, who is here for the week. She wants to be here for her mom's surgery on Monday and then she's staying to be her 'nurse' for a week. She's a GREAT card player, too, so we always play when she comes if at all possible. She lives in Mustang, a bedroom community to Oklahoma City.

It has been storming ever since about 8, so I shut down the computers, but I'm working on the laptop, so the battery is giving me power. I'll have to post this in the morning if it's not still storming. We are so very grateful to be having RAIN! It was scary dry, here. All those fires the other day had us all pretty much on edge. The poor wheat farmers have lost all their wheat because of the lack of rain. I can hear my irises out there cheering right now; they are so thrilled to have water from God!

Today we had breakfast at the Kozy Diner with David and Dorothy. Then we came home and walked. It was pretty cool, so we only walked for a half hour. I had planned to clean the house, so I figured I'd get plenty of exercise doing that. Boy, did I ever! Don wanted to help, but I wanted to see if I could do it myself. I did, and I really enjoyed it more than I ever have in my life. I haven't done a real cleaning since the summer of 2007 when I started chemo and first got Angelica the wonderful housekeeper. So, today I really did enjoy revisiting lots of my things. It seems silly, but I'd think, "Oh, there's my picture of Tom and Linda (someone took it of all 4 of us in Hawaii, and they had it framed and sent it to us)." "There are the kid's toys." "There are those house shoes that Gabe used to love." All those things are always here, but I don't always go see them and clean around them; someone else has been doing that for the last couple of years. I thank God that someone else could do it for me, because I sure didn't feel like it. I sure thank Him that I could do it today, though! I did enjoy it. My back whined and griped the whole time, but I jiggled tonight and I think I'll be fine tomorrow.

Since Angelica got the job at the reformatory, I haven't found anyone who could clean like she did. I couldn't even do it like she did, but I was so proud to be able to do it by myself. I felt like I did when I first learned to ride a bike by myself; all banged up from the experience, but so pleased that I could DO It MYSELF! So, I even thought of my Daddy teaching me to ride my bike. It was a fun day of good memories.

We capped the day off with a game of Hand and Foot Canasta for 8 and the girls beat the guys 2 out of three. It was close, but we did it. That always makes us smile.