Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Thinking of Momasan.

The blog keeps saying it's the next day and it's really still the 6th for me. It's been a busy day. Don and I got up early and went to find a monk seal, but we missed him. We did find whales, though, and we had some great hiking looking for that seal. Then he left and went back to Harry's. I'm dedicating this post to my mom; I think the 6th is the anniversary of her death, and I think it was in 1986. Numbers, dates, details: I have trouble with all of them, but something like that was when our Mom passed away and we miss her. She would have loved whale watching! My favorite quote since her death is, "How long does a man live? Is it as long as you can touch him or is it as long as he touches you?" She touches me, still, so she lives right with me.

I'm going to post two pictures today. You dial up folks will just have to forgive me, but these pictures work together well. The first one is me, sitting on a picnic table watching for whales. How about those shades of blue water? That blue in the background is Maui. I love it when Maui is visible.

The next picture is what delights us when we're whale watching. The first thing you see is their spout. This picture shows a spout and right to the left of it is a little splash, which may have been the end of a spout or a splash that sometimes follows the spout. It's not much, but it's activity and where there is activity there is a whale. Sooner or later we'll see the whale. Whether I catch him with the camera or not is another thing! Often we see the spout, then he'll dive and we see him hump; and then we'll see his tail. Sometimes the sun reflects on his body as we see the spout, so that gives us a glimpse of him. It was cool because we'd been watching three whales heading from our left to right and I kept taking pictures, but got few with anything in them. I said, "Man, I wish they'd go over so I could get them between us and Maui." Sure enough, there they went and then I was able to get this shot. See, it doesn't take much to entertain me!

I think God's favorite color might be blue because He uses it so much. I love it, too and thank Him for all the blues in our lives.


  1. Those colors are breathtaking Maryjo (be sure to click on the pictures to see the spouts better) I was surprised at the actual mountains of Maui..I know nothing about the topography of Hawaii.

  2. Oh Jo! The colors of today's pictures are awesome! So many different shades of blue! Winter is my fav time in Hawai'i. This is our first whale for this trip!! Thanks for taking the time to do your blog and include beautiful pictures!! Love you, Linda

  3. Hi Jo,
    I have been thinking about you and missing you at church. Have fun in Hawaii.

  4. Dana,

    I love it when we click on the pictures and they get big enough to inspect. Thanks for reminding the folks who read the comments.

    Sometimes it's too cloudy to see Maui, like today it couldn't be seen at all. If you ever get to see that video that I sent of Summer, look for Maui in the background of it, too.

    Love you,

    Mary Jo

  5. Oh, Linda, I know you LOVE these blues and I think of you every day. Yes, I think this is the best time in Hawaii. I'm getting picky; I used to think any time in Hawaii is great, and it is, but this is definitely my favorite, too! Shall I send you all the shots where I missed the whales? Ha! You know there are tons of them!

    I have to share this stuff with you; we sure miss you and I wouldn't feel right if I left you out of anything!

    I sent you a great video of Summer at Mahukona with GREAT waves. I sent it to Dana and she didn't get it; let me know if you didn't and I'll send it, again. It's too awesome! Even Maui is in the background.

    Love you,


  6. Lezlie! How sweet of you to post and miss us! It's great to hear from you. Hope things are leveling off at church! We are having a wonderful time here; we always do. It's so nice to be in 80 degree weather at this time of year. Actually, it's great to have this weather all year round, as they do. We can't resist it when we get a chance to come here, especially in the winter!

    Love you,

