Thursday, March 25, 2010

Light fixtures are fixed!

The picture tonight is one of Don and I at the waterfall at Westgate Woods in Branson. It was taken the day we hiked; it was such a wonderful day. It was a great day like that here, today, so I chose this picture. We walked and collected sunshine in they yard. I love it when it's warm enough to do that without being killer hot like it will be in the summer.

Last night I watched Survivor and then went to work on the bathroom light fixtures. A cordless drill sure is a great thing when it's charged! It's great to have the tools you need for a task. When I was up on the counter and my foot cramped I was reminded that people much younger than me usually do this sort of thing. My feet never cramped when I was 30! What makes me think I should climb up on the cabinet must be a part of my brain whose 'maturity' was stunted by chemo. Anyway, it felt good to accomplish a task even if it was 10:20 p.m. when I finished. I slept like a brick. I'd sure rather have a physical task like that than a computer crash. Things I can look at and touch make better sense to me than the abstracts of computer technicalities! Whatever is thrown my way is what I will tackle. I thank God that I'm able to do these things. I even cleaned the ceiling fan while I was up there. Now, I have a goal to clean all the other ceiling fans in the house before we go to Houston. We'll be wanting to use those before long and I don't want to blow all that dust everywhere!

This time 2 years ago I was taking a radiation treatment 5 days a week and still wearing a baseball cap to keep my head warm. I'm wearing a baseball cap today to keep my hair off my neck and face (it's hanging out the hole in the back). Back then I was taking a nap or two a day and now I'm climbing around and fixing things. It's wonderful to feel good; I thank God for recovery! (I still love a nap here and there, but it's a luxury, not a necessity to get through the day.)

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