Saturday, June 9, 2012

Reunion done; now more fun!

The reunion was wonderful, as always.  We managed to make it to Gatlinburg before dark, so made that drive just fine.  We're all checked in to our condo and everyone is in bed but me.  I'm doing a quick catch up on my emails and facebook.

This picture is Elena, riding on the luggage cart.  She's having a great time.  When they pulled up here, she said to Gretta, "This is Grammy and Poppy's house.  Is Poppy here?"  Gretta told her, "No, Poppy is in heaven."  Elena said, "Is he coming?"  It's so hard to explain to little kids; it's hard to get even for us grown ups!  We come here every year and Elena is only 5.  She's been here more than she's been to our house and to her, this is our house.  Okay, so we've had lots of fun, but there have been tears, too.  I guess there will always be these times and one day I'll be tough enough to meet them without tears.

Today I got so lost driving through Nashville to the reunion.  Nashville is my hometown, but I haven't lived there since I was in college in the late 60's.  Needless to say, they have made lots of changes.  For the last many years Don did all the driving through Nashville.  So, today, as I was so lost I kept reminding myself that I promised Don I could do this and I'd be fine.  (When he was in the hospital and  unconscious, but I kept talking to him and hoping that he could hear me.)  I promised him that I needed him, but if he needed to go I'd make it.  The memory that I had promised him I could make it got me through today, plus Garrett was in the car with me.  I was real tempted to pull off and just cry, but that would never have pleased Don.  Finally, after I got going the right direction I looked at the mile marker and it said 212.  I thought I was supposed to take the 279 exit, so I thought I was surely on the wrong road because I knew it wasn't that far out of Nashville.  I called Gretta and she set me straight that I was supposed to take exit 239B, so I was on the right road after all.  Numbers; they mess with me!  But, I made it . . . a little later than I meant to be, but I made it in plenty of time.  I thank God for an awesome family and the opportunity to see them.  This week will be good and then next week I get to go visit even more family and friends.  God is so good!


  1. MJ - I found your blog and have been reading through randomly....fell across this one. Made me sad, but happy that you are getting stronger and my gosh girl, you sure are courageous -- So glad your trip to gatllinburg was a good one.

  2. Oh, Nancy, I'm glad you are reading and keeping up with me as you can. I've had a great trip and learn more and more all the time. I'm growing up; that's a little scary! Love you!
