Thursday, August 2, 2007

Baby fix times two!

Today was baby fix day! Thursdays and Fridays Doris and Jerry keep Luke, so we were expecting him. Then around noon Stephanie called to ask if she could bring Colter over to play while she took a nap. What fun we had. The boys are nearly the same size and we had a ball with them. Jerry was outside cutting the grass, Doris was fixing lunch, and so Don and I got to have a baby each. Since we have to do this cancer treatment we are getting short changed on time with our new babies, so it was good for us to get this time with Luke and Colter.

The blog pictures today are Don with Luke and me with Colter and then one of Colter and Luke playing together on Luke’s jungle mat. Don’t you know these boys are going to be a mighty pair over the years! God is great! We are THRILLED to get to have some time with these little guys!

It’s a good thing I got the hair pictures on the blog last night because tonight is when my hair started letting loose of my head. I don’t notice it falling off my arms and I still have peach fuzz on my face, (not to mention I had to pull a pesky WHISKER out of my chin tonight!), but it is coming out of my head in clumps. When I washed my hair I noticed hair all in the bath water. Then when I dried my head there was GOBS of hair on my towel. I was shocked when I looked in the mirror and still had hair. I went out to the car and got two of Don’s baseball caps, so I’ve got a choice of hats to wear tomorrow when I go for treatment. Maybe I’ll have enough hair left to go hatless, but I’m thinking I’d better have a hat because if there is any left in the morning, it may be all gone or hanging in shreds by the time we come home. This is really pretty fun. I’ve never experienced anything this bizarre and yet painless. I can reach up and pull it out in gobs, so I know it’s very loose. I’m thinking I will fit right in at MD Anderson tomorrow. I’ve always been shorter than anyone; often didn’t even speak the language of the folks around me spoke; and nearly always ‘wasn’t from around here,’ but for the next couple of treatments I’m going to FIT RIGHT IN! It’ll be a new feeling for me.

I’m going to bed tonight with hair and thanking God for the fun it has been to have curls. I also thank Him for 3 weeks of treatments that have left me painless and feeling fine. I thank Him for the hope of treatments that get the job done. I remember when my mom had her mastectomy she was upset about losing a breast and I said to her, “Mom, let them have an arm if we can just keep you!” (She lived 19 years and died of pneumonia.) I feel that way about me, too. I’m happy to give up my hair and I’m so willing to give up both breasts. The hair will even come back and they can give me cool breasts if we decide to go that route. All I can say is, “Isn’t God Great!” I’m counting a million blessings and running out of paper for the list.

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