Monday, November 23, 2009

Meet Snowball.

Tonight's picture is Elise, with her new puppy, Snowball. He's a Great Pyrenees, so he'll probably outgrow their other dog, Gazer, who is a white lab. They have the perfect place (a farm) for dogs, so Snowball is a wonderful late birthday present for Elise.

Today had been busy, but good. We even got to get in a walk because it wasn't too cold; brisk, but comfortable to walk in sweats and a shirt.

We're so looking forward to Wednesday when the family starts to come home. It'll be so special. Gretta and her family are going to Gina's for Thanksgiving, so it's nice to know that lots of the rest of the family is together on the other side of the country. I'm so glad they are close! We'll all miss Jeff and his family; Vegas is a long way from all of us. We'll be thinking of them and missing them!.

I should report to you that Ruthie continues to mend. It takes time to get over major back surgery, but she is coming along. God bless her! Her son and daughter are bringing Thanksgiving dinner to their house. It'll be a big day for her, but she can handle it. They'll do all the work, and she can just sit back and enjoy it. Family is wonderful. I thank God for all our families.

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