Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Got lucky.

This picture I took on Sunday morning before I went out to get Dorothy and got the pictures of both of us. These roses are little miniatures from Don's mother's little bush in the back flower planter. I'm so glad it has survived; I enjoy the roses and they remind me of the precious lady that she was. I got lucky to have such a wonderful mother-in-law!

I got lucky today, too. I got up at 6 and got ready for school, in case they called. They DID! It was 10 minutes to 8 and I was ready, so I got in the car and left in time to get there for the first hour. I had 7th and 8th graders for reading and computer literature. It was a great day. I'll be there for the rest of the week, so I feel blessed to have the work and to have these kids. I am really enjoying the kids. They are challenging, but they are really bright and precious. I know that as a sub I'm not doing what their teacher could do, but I ask God to show me how to have a positive impact on their lives.

It was 92 here this afternoon! Wow; I'm loving the sunshine! If that's an indication of how the summer will go, it's scary! Cancer doesn't like heat, so I get as much as I can of it and thank God for the sunshine and pray that I'll keep kicking cancer to the curb!


  1. It is so great that you have had so many opportunities to teach and that you truly enjoy it...the kids are lucky to have such a pleasant, happy sub.

    Love ya, Donna

  2. Thanks, Donna. I do love it, but I wear thin by the end of each day. My 7th hour class may not be so pleased. They sure give me a run for my money! Hope all is going good there! Love you!
