Thursday, April 26, 2012

Really the last of the irises.

I took this picture yesterday of the last of my irises, but it was Gracie's birthday, so I put her picture on the blog yesterday. I've really enjoyed the irises this year and I thank God for the blessing they've been to me. I hate that the hail battered them so badly, but I think the re-bloomers will still be able to perform this fall. My little miniature roses are still looking good, too. I love having some cut flowers in the house. Outside the larkspur are starting to bloom, so I'm hoping some hummingbirds will come to them, soon. I'm not bent out of shape over hummingbirds enough to put out food for them, but I will provide flowers that they like. It's sure fun to have one visit sometimes! I thank God for nature's beauty!

I have taught all this week and I'm really enjoying it. I will teach for the same teacher tomorrow. She is in the hospital and hopes to go home on Saturday. I hate to think that she would go back to teaching on Monday, and they've asked me to be prepared to sub through Wednesday. I'd love to, so I hope I can. I'm getting into sync with the kids and the lessons, so it's working pretty well. I hope for her that her recovery is quick, though.

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