Saturday, April 28, 2012

Guess what?

I found my old cell phone! It was the one I lost in the fall and had to switch everything over and start using Don's phone. So, now, I have a back up for when this one crashes, I guess. It was in the pocket of a pair of jeans. At least it is a mystery solved, so I'm happy about that.

I took this picture Thursday morning, I think. There is nothing special about it; it's just another shot of me headed to school.

Today I loved sleeping until I woke up without an alarm. I woke up at 6, like I usually do with the alarm, but I went back to bed until 7. Then I got up and cleaned the house and got done by noon so I could lay out in the sun for a couple of hours. I read and napped, so I'm way rested. I didn't walk today, but I think I got enough exercise around here. I thank God for sunshine and a breeze and the energy to clean the house. Laying in the sun was a real treat today.

I'm all set for company for lasagna after church tomorrow. It's going to be simple and some people couldn't come, so there will only be 8 of us. I love to have people come, though, so I'm looking forward to it. I thank God I'm able to have company and that I have friends who want to join me.

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