Thursday, December 13, 2007


Since my diagnosis with breast cancer I learned that the first thing I have to do is get rid of stress in my life. The next thing was to get rid of sugar and caffeine and fat (on my body). Sugar and caffeine are simply a matter of eliminating them from my diet. Fat is the story of my life for the last 30 years. Eliminating stress is a whole different animal! That’s a matter of control and there are some things over which I have no control. It’s been hard to not be stressed over simply de-stressing. It’s my style to make a job out of anything I do and any job I do has my signature on it, etc., etc., etc., so STRESS happens.

The other day I was talking to Trish about what we’ll be doing in Branson and she was concerned that I would get all upset over something and I said, “Oh, no, I won’t get into a snit over that.” She said, “Are you sure?” I said, “Oh, yeah! I’ve totally sworn off of snits.” So that very night Don and I went to bed and he was quietly laying there with the covers all in a tangle and, of course, I couldn’t have the covers in a tangle. So I was huffing and puffing and struggling with the covers when he said, “WHAT are you DOING?” I said, “I’m all in a dither over these covers because I told Trish I wasn’t doing snits anymore.” He said, “And she BELIEVED you???” It was a good laugh for us and I told Trish about it so she could get a good laugh too. She wrote back the following: “ I'm going to be keeping you honest about the snits while we're in Branson. No snits allowed! You'll have to keep me out of my snits, too. Maybe I'll bring a sign that says "Snit Free Zone". “

I got a good laugh out of that, but I thought a sign might help me, NOW! With my hair coming back I figured I’d better have some fun with my bald head, plus I needed a picture for the blog. The kids should have fun writing/drawing on my head in Branson. Gabe is quite the artist, so maybe he’ll draw something. I’m sure Grace and Mason can cover my head. Meantime, here’s my sign. Don't forget to notice the hair!

God be with us when it snows tomorrow; especially those many folks who still have no power. We sure need Your help and You have ALL THE POWER! Amen.


  1. Oh i loved this pic MaryJo....can't wait for the "Head Gallery" in the future. dana

  2. Dana, you have such a way with words. "Head Gallery" is so much classier than "Billboard," which is what Don is calling me. I think we could shorten it to "Gallery" and I could be his "Gal" . . . wonder if that will catch. Funny. His dad had Alzheimer's and when he couldn't remember a lady's name he'd call her "Ladybug" to her face and then he's ask us "Who was that GAL?" Maybe I can be 'that GAL.' I treasure my memories of his dad.

    I treasure your remarks and love, too!

    Love you,

    Mary Jo

  3. Jo & Don, Merry Christmas!! Tom & I have been to Fla for 11 days so am enjoying catching up on your blog. Yes, you do have hair all over, and it is growing. I absolutely love your 'head sign'! De-stressing is extremely difficult, to say the least. Just remember, when you are asleep and the covers get jumbled, why I bet you don't even know it!! Do you think Trish could work on Tom w/his snits?!! Ha. Love you both, stay warm and germ free, Linda

  4. Linda, I'm SURE Trish could help Tom with his snits! She is a great de-stresser for everyone. She has sure pulled me through some low spots, even!

    You guys have been to FL for 11 days; wow, I'll bet that was a fun time with family! I'm so glad you're home, safe and sound. It's good to have you back 'on the blog.'

    Tell Tom he has to join me in "No Snits." It's good for health and everything becomes a 'laughing matter.' God bless him and sweet memories.

    Love you both,


  5. Love the "sign" and wow your hair is growing!! Glad you didn't lose your power. We were only out for about 20 hours so we were very blessed. Hope you all have a wonderful time in Branson. I've heard that it's beautiful at Christmas time. Give Trish, Gretta & their families our love. B&Z

  6. Hi, B&Z; so glad you have power back so soon! When we had our ice storm we decided to go to Branson if we could get a week because it was such a mess here. We thought we might be jumping out of the skillet into the fire, though, so I called and asked them if they had power up there. The guy said, "Yes, mam and we have indoor plumbing and running hot and cold water, too!" I guess he thought I was from the DEEP BOONIES! We laugh about that every now and then.

    It is beautiful in Branson for Christmas and all winter. We love it. Most of the shows are down during Jan and Feb, but there are enough and we love it in spite of the shows. :)

    Celia wrote about all the fun you all have had together lately. Keep up the good family gatherings!

    Love you all!

