Monday, March 23, 2009

A fun day.

Whew! Today has been another whirlwind. We had breakfast here and the Gina called and they were headed to breakfast, so we went to join them. We didn't eat, we just visited. After breakfast we all went out to the fish hatchery as they had never been. I thought we were just going for breakfast, so I didn't wear my knee bands, take my cane or my camera! Gina will share pictures with me, but it took a lot more energy to walk without the help of my bands or cane. They were going to supper and the Surrey's owner party, so we came back to the condo. Don worked on the computer and I took a good nap. Somewhere in there we had lunch/supper. After their owner's party we all met at the Landing for the light and fountain show and a bunch of walking. I took my cane, camera and bands, so I did okay. I'm exhausted, though.

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The picture on the blog tonight will be Trish and the little kids, plus Sadie (she's one of the big kids) last week when they went down to the landing.

Tonight I'm giving special thanks to God for my knee bands and my cane. They sure help me to walk and conserve energy. I sure thank Him for a great bed for a great nap, too! We so take things for granted, but these things sure make my life easier!

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