Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Grammy and Poppie shirts.

Gabe took this picture of Don and I with Nate this afternoon after we got back from a big hike, so we're pretty tired even though we're still standing. Trish and Rob found these shirts for us yesterday on one of their shopping sprees. I'm so amazed at how tall Nate is.

Today we went to the fish hatchery and then did the hikes along the lake nearby. It was really fun and I got lots of pictures I'll be sharing on the blog in the future. Raynie was a really good hiker. She walked a long way. She's a real sport! All the other kids did really well, too. I nearly wore out, but I made it. I forgot to take my cane; I picked up a little scraggly stick that helped, but I missed my cane.

After our hike Trish and Rob went out to eat and I fixed hamburgers for the rest of us, here. Then Don, Nate, Gabe and I played Rook while the other kids watched TV. Nate and I actually beat Don and Gabe, which was quite the feat as we were way in the hole for a while. It was great fun! I'm so tired I don't even remember who won last night; must have been them or I'd remember winning, surely! Really, I think it might have been Trish and I that beat Nate and Gabe. That would have been quite the feat, too, since Nate is the one who really knows how to play. Anyway, it's been great fun.

God is so good to us. The weather today was gorgeous; perfect for the hiking. We saw great birds, too. It's so great to spend this time with the kids! We're in a unit just like the one we had last year when Gretta, Joe, Garrett and Elena were with us, so we're sure missing them. We keep recalling fun times with them. Gretta and Joe have to work and Garrett's spring break isn't until next week, so they couldn't join us this time; we sure miss them.

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